
why i do this work

I believe people make or break a company’s success. That is why I am passionate about helping you be your best as a leader while also bringing out the best in your team.

I am sought after for my unique leadership blend of business insight, people skills, and tactical savvy—the result of multiple degrees and 20 years of corporate leadership and global HR experience, plus my insights as a business owner wearing multiple hats every day. I know first-hand what’s at stake and the actual work it takes inside and out to be a successful leader who makes a strategic impact at work, in the world, and with their team! 

Today I use my coaching expertise and a vast collection of strategic tools to custom-fit solutions to help you navigate complex business and team challenges with ease and confidence.

My Background

I launched my consulting business in 2014 in Santa Barbara, CA. In 2018, I moved the operations to Hood River, OR, where I enjoy working with clients locally, across the U.S., and globally. Before 2014, I held multiple senior-level Human Resources positions with Raytheon, a $24 billion aerospace and defense leader with over 70,000 employees worldwide. During these 14 years, I specialized in:

  • Executive and Leadership Coaching

  • Strategic Business and HR Planning

  • Scaling for Business Growth and Cultural Transformation

  • Organizational Effectiveness and Employee Engagement

  • Team Dynamics and Talent Development

  • Training and Workshop Facilitation

I earned my MBA in Global Management and Organizational Change at Thunderbird, the American Graduate School of International Management. I also hold two bachelor’s degrees from the University of Minnesota and am a top graduate of Raytheon’s 2-year HR Leadership Program. Read my complete profile on Linkedin.

Creating a New Success Paradigm

For years, I’ve seen my clients succeed beyond their wildest dreams and faster than they ever imagined because I help them connect to their unique leadership path and style. Remarkable things happen when you are genuinely ready to do the work to take your business and team to the next level or make a quantum leap in your career.

It’s my mission to create a new success paradigm for leaders and teams, one that connects the power of people’s potential to the center of a business’ growth strategy. It’s not woo. It’s the key to getting results! We know what matters in our personal lives: relationships, meaningful connections, and activities that allow us to be ourselves and have a positive impact. And that doesn’t change when we show up to work. Our greatest dysfunctional issues in the workplace fundamentally tie back to these same areas: the conscious or unconscious desires to be respected, appreciated, heard, allowed to be who we are, and engaged in meaningful work.

What does this mean for you as a leader? When you are ready, willing and able to do the work to create a new level of success for your business and team, I’m ready too.

What people say about the work…

“Whatever I write about Dana will only scratch the very surface of what she is all about and the impacts that she makes. Some people have intangible capabilities that need to be experienced in order to really be understood. Dana is one of those people. She is one of the most well rounded, sincere, intelligent and caring individuals I have met and I have personally seen her accomplish remarkable and lasting success in some of the most challenging business environments.”
— Aerospace Executive, DC
“The end result matters but so does how you get there. Dana gets there the right way and will help you to do the same.”
— High Tech Marketing Manager, CA
“Dana has the unique ability to see the “Bigger Picture.” This in conjunction with her ability to assess someone’s leadership ability makes Dana an extremely talented person to know, and I can’t thank her enough for supporting me in my career.”
— Global Executive, United Kingdom

Not for Everyone

I take your success seriously. Our work together leverages best practices and moves towards a new work paradigm with emerging tools and approaches for leaders. We can create wildly successful businesses and do it in a way that honors our employees and customers while making a positive profit and impact on the world.

You know this is you if:

  • You’re already successful but know you’re here to have an even bigger impact.

  • You’re a pioneer who needs to know what’s around the corner.

  • You’re not afraid of hard work because you love what you do.

  • Success is a journey, not a destination, in your book.

  • You naturally inspire others to join this journey.

I realize my approach is not for the masses by design.

If you resonate with what I'm saying, let's talk. You made it this far down the page. That should tell you something. Let’s find time for a call.

Ready to get started or have questions?